

we have carried out research geared towards addressing gaps hindering people’s development.

In recognition of the strategic importance of research. The institute is committed to building, in a logical and incremental manner, a sustainable research activity, guided by quality and originality. We have conducted research for different organizations have contributed to the body of knowledge and has influenced the economic development and innovation, both nationally and regionally. 
Key activities have included:

We have supported organizations, businesses and individuals to carry out timely assessments or needs assessment.


We have trained a number of organizations and individuals in research methods, baseline survey, feasibility studies, environmental and situation analysis. The organizations included; Epilepsy Support Association Uganda (ESAU) on Epilepsy cases, Nation Union of disabled Persons in Uganda (NUDIPU) on Disabilities and land cases and NUWODU where we formulated their strategic plan and many others.

Information management:
We facilitate mid-sized organisations and individuals with basic information technology training skills applying  user friendly approaches. This is because we believe that 
Information technology has become a potent force for transforming social, economic, and political life in every society regardless of geographical location. Yet the uneven distribution and access to information and technology tools in some parts of the world continue to contribute to a “digital divide” Therefore, under the information management goal, we offer the  following training packages:

Training in computer literacy.

Database design and management.

Website design and internet training.

Networking with other service providers for and with information linkages.
Establishing community information centres.
Out-door and tailor-made courses
We train both in residential and community outreach certificate programmes. We conduct outdoor trainings for organisations, community leaders and individuals passionately desiring tailor-made training to that answers special related problems.Our approach is simple, we let the participants lead, we mentor and guide towards a desired path.
Networking and Collaboration:
At AMI we believe that information is worth when it is share! and that institutions are strong when they interdependently work together. We continue to welcome new partners to collaborate with us in the designing implementation and reviewing our programs.